Author Topic: 750a carbs  (Read 1242 times)

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Offline Wheresmyclutch

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750a carbs
« on: March 16, 2021, 10:15:24 AM »
So i purchased a complete garage sitter 77 750a a year ago then covid happened. I was still stuck working 6 days a week so i thought I'm a grown up time to pay someone to do what i don't have time to. Gave my varnish filled carbs to a guy i knew that was good with bikes. As occasionally happens with guys who are good with bikes he did a bunch of meth and shot at some cops. I have no hope of recovering stock carbs. Is it really worth it to track down non existant complete 42a carbs or should i just upgrade to k carbs since I'm buying a whole set anyway. I've yet to find 750a carbs that weren't missing something. Tia
1976 cb750A, 1977 cb750A, 1979 cb650c

Offline dave the welder

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Re: 750a carbs
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2021, 06:26:58 PM »
where are you located
don't buy it build it

Offline jukku

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Re: 750a carbs
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2021, 05:28:21 AM »
Probably easier to find K7 carbs and boots.
Same throttle return springs on the A and K7 carbs, I remember.
Easy job to shift over the throttle opener set from the A carbs to the K carbs.
Then you will of course tune your engine with a K cam and ......... !  ::)

Offline Medyo Bastos

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Re: 750a carbs
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2021, 11:14:53 AM »
I think I have a set of matic carbs under my bed

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Offline Wheresmyclutch

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Re: 750a carbs
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2021, 02:05:59 AM »
Probably easier to find K7 carbs and boots.
Same throttle return springs on the A and K7 carbs, I remember.
Easy job to shift over the throttle opener set from the A carbs to the K carbs.
Then you will of course tune your engine with a K cam and ......... !  ::)

I mean yeah she'll go 836 someday but right now really just wanting a stock matic that goes beanie beanie beanie when you push the button. I sent all 4 carbs still on the linkage/harness/im not going out to the garage to find out what clymer calls it, so i don't have any part of the stock A carb assembly. I do have access to a complete set of pd41b keihin but before i grab them and spend the time and money going through them and possibly rejetting i wanted to see if that was really a viable option.

I'm in leavenworth Kansas to the other poster... Sorry but im on phone and can't figure out how to go back and quote again
1976 cb750A, 1977 cb750A, 1979 cb650c