Oh, and I just read about your illness, and I’m glad you’re on the mend. I had a heart attack in 2014 but didn’t seek medical help. collapsed in my garage, crawled inside the house, no-one was home and I wasn’t sure what to do, had massive chest pains for a couple of hours, fell asleep (or maybe unconscious) and when I woke up again, I felt fine, but had chest pain for a week or so.
Back then I was 340 pounds, smoked and drank Bourbon and (real) coke like water. My older brother was a type 2 diabetic and he suffered a heart attack 2 years later, and died. I got a new job in Canberra and went to the doctor because I’d burned my leg on the pipe of my Honda VTR1000F and it had become infected. She sent me off for a battery of tests that came back with the news that I had indeed suffered a heart attack, I was “Pre-Diabetic”, my blood pressure was almost off the scale (190/110) and I better sort my sh1t out if I wanted any more birthdays.
In August 2018 I had a gastric bypass, which had some complications so I was on liquids only (couldn’t swallow solids) for 4 months, so had 8 gastroscopies over 4 months to “Stretch” my lower intestine. In September I had emergency prostate surgery after I woke up one morning and couldn’t piss.
I was as weak as a kitten for well over a year and due to ongoing pain I had liver surgery in 2019, then a month later had an incident in my garage when I was cleaning a rusty CB750 clutch disc on the wite wheel attachment on my pedestal grinder. The brush grabbed the disc and pulled it out of my hand, it hit the garage wall and bounced back into my face smashing my nose, the bones around my nose, and punctured my left eye’s retina. I had reconstructive surgery and all was good.
Since then though, apart from another burned/infected leg and a couple of broken digits, I’ve been fine. I’m 120 pounds lighter than I was in 2018, and am regaining my strength again, which is great. I’m buying/building more bikes than ever, and riding way more too. I take up to 17 different pills every day, but the VA pays for my drugs and gives me a tax free pension too, so life is pretty good now. The thing that got me thru everything was daydreaming about building and riding bikes. If I had nothing to look forward to, I think I would have ended up like my brother. All the best mate.