Author Topic: I'm looking for a deal on a new top-terminal battery for my car:Battery Sale ?  (Read 999 times)

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Offline grcamna2

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I ride 2 wheels and don't like driving my old 87' Volvo 240, and so the battery plates get sulphated and within 2-3 years I need to buy a new top-terminal battery for it.I've been looking for the lowest priced battery and around here they're $130+ which I suppose is ok if I'm going to use the car alot(I don't like driving a cage)but I don't,I leave it parked in the small parking lot at my apt. to hold the space(no designated parking.. ::))and then park my motorcycle right in front of it.There are 14 apartments here with 13 spaces(one is a handicapped space) down there.. and a few individuals have more than one car  ::) so then we need to park in the street.
What's the best deal available for a new battery out there now ? I don't know,would it be possible to purchase a battery online and they would ship it to me dry,would buying acid be affordable ?
I have been looking at nationwide auto parts stores a little:I hope one of them has a Sale on batteries soon.

I looked at the style of battery I have,one that will fit my car:when I view it with me facing the front of the car,the battery is on the drivers side and the positive terminal is on the left & the negative terminal is on the right, close to the driver-side fender,both terminals are on the back,far side closer to the windshield.The battery measures roughly 6.4" deep and the battery box base will fit a battery which is up to 10" long or smaller.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2021, 08:34:13 PM by grcamna2 »
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Offline goodtryer

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Try a local junk yard. Should be able to find something for much less than $130.
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Offline Don R

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 Some of the new chargers are supposed to break down the sulphate by pulsing higher voltage, Not sure if that's an option, how about a solar maintainer? 
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Offline RAFster122s

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Interstate batteries are going to be your best bet for life. But, you should know that cars that are driven tend to develop issues. Even old Volvos. You clean your fusebox annually or at least every 18 months? Pull the negative on the battery and using a brass brush you need to clean the fuse contacts very well and inspect with a strong light. The fusebox on the 240 is a weak spot.
Hopefully your 87 doesn't have the self destructing wiring, Volvo's wiring supplier supplied wiring designed to break down after a reasonable service life. Plastics have extremely long lives and Volvo was moving towards having the cars be more recyclable. Well, they began having harness trouble after about 10years instead of 20 or more. Ended up a class action suit caused them to be required to cut the cost of replacement engine harnesses and the main harness. Having spent a couple days rewiring the engine harness and part of a main harness by hand I don't recommend building your own.
Some things are getting to be really tough to find for the 240 Volvos. Friend in Phoenix has a cherry condition '91 244 and '75 164E, . He has 3 other cars as well, Skoda, '65 Studebaker Cruiser, and last year Crown Victoria SE Sport fully loaded.
Support for 240 is decent in Sweden and other European countries in aftermarket space.
David- back in the desert SW!

Offline grcamna2

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Interstate batteries are going to be your best bet for life. But, you should know that cars that are driven tend to develop issues. Even old Volvos. You clean your fusebox annually or at least every 18 months? Pull the negative on the battery and using a brass brush you need to clean the fuse contacts very well and inspect with a strong light. The fusebox on the 240 is a weak spot.
Hopefully your 87 doesn't have the self destructing wiring, Volvo's wiring supplier supplied wiring designed to break down after a reasonable service life. Plastics have extremely long lives and Volvo was moving towards having the cars be more recyclable. Well, they began having harness trouble after about 10years instead of 20 or more. Ended up a class action suit caused them to be required to cut the cost of replacement engine harnesses and the main harness. Having spent a couple days rewiring the engine harness and part of a main harness by hand I don't recommend building your own.
Some things are getting to be really tough to find for the 240 Volvos. Friend in Phoenix has a cherry condition '91 244 and '75 164E, . He has 3 other cars as well, Skoda, '65 Studebaker Cruiser, and last year Crown Victoria SE Sport fully loaded.
Support for 240 is decent in Sweden and other European countries in aftermarket space.

David,I replaced my engine wiring harness(factory Volvo part)back in 2008',my fuses have SS IPD replacements.
I just want to get a cheap battery now:with my small income $130 is a lot.I think a quality Interstate battery will help.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2021, 01:46:37 PM by grcamna2 »
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Offline onepieceatatime

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Interstate batteries are going to be your best bet for life.

I agree completely, but not a low initial cost option.
I had to replace the 16 year old Interstate in my truck a couple years ago, and have had a couple others that lasted 10+ years even in vehicles not being driven often.
They are well worth the $
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Offline grcamna2

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Interstate batteries are going to be your best bet for life.

I agree completely, but not a low initial cost option.
I had to replace the 16 year old Interstate in my truck a couple years ago, and have had a couple others that lasted 10+ years even in vehicles not being driven often.
They are well worth the $

I just looked online for an Interstate and it said 118.40 for their economy battery:I wonder where that price is able to be purchased.I would also certainly consider buying a dry-charged battery online(no hazardous charge?)then they would charge a bit less.That's the way I used to purchase Yuasa batteries from my tire,battery,spark plug supplier back 20 years ago when I had my repair shop.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2021, 08:08:19 PM by grcamna2 »
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Offline Alan F.

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There always seems to be a few fairly new looking batteries on Craigslist in the $50 range. Perhaps meet the seller at an auto parts store and have such a battery load tested?

Offline grcamna2

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There always seems to be a few fairly new looking batteries on Craigslist in the $50 range. Perhaps meet the seller at an auto parts store and have such a battery load tested?

I called one fellow today and he described what he has and how he did test it with a load tester.He got it from a junkyard,then he gave it a long,hot charge..  ::)
I want a new one. The one that's in there now is a 36 month battery I bought new from AutoZone in 2018' for $100.I'm hoping one of those stores has a Battery Sale soon.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2021, 08:16:41 PM by grcamna2 »
75' CB400F/'bunch o' parts' & 81' CB125S modded to a 'CB200S'
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Offline grcamna2

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Some of the new chargers are supposed to break down the sulphate by pulsing higher voltage, Not sure if that's an option, how about a solar maintainer?

Don,that's a good point:I was reading online about that type of solar charger which pulses at different rates and just was curious if that works to keep it from sulphating ? Have you or your friends ever tried one of them ?
« Last Edit: March 26, 2021, 01:48:26 PM by grcamna2 »
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Offline Kevin D

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I also use Interstate batteries in my older cars and I get them at Costco. So I happened to be in Costco today and checked the price on a size 47 battery at $105.
But I’m not certain the size 47 is right for your 87 Volvo 240, as the Interstate battery selector only showed me a model 740 for 87 Volvo.
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Offline grcamna2

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I also use Interstate batteries in my older cars and I get them at Costco. So I happened to be in Costco today and checked the price on a size 47 battery at $105.
But I’m not certain the size 47 is right for your 87 Volvo 240, as the Interstate battery selector only showed me a model 740 for 87 Volvo.

Thanks Kevin D  8)  I like the writing under the Interstate logo "outrageously dependable" ! 8)
Now I need to find a local Costco member to help me purchase it.

I just called the Costco in Woodland,CA. and asked for that group 47 battery and the employee Alan said they were out of stock on it.  :(
He did say it was ok for me to order it even though I wasn't a member.. although he said 'become a member' in so many words  :D I hope to find a local member soon so that when the battery comes in(he ordered it in my name,even though I'm not a member,no obligation imo;I also found that if a member gives me a gift card for Costco,then i can walk in and purchase it myself) at 2 weeks,I can purchase it for $105.I was looking at the picture you uploaded here and it is the same:when I look at the battery posts facing me in the picture(they are closest to me on the outside of the case)the positive terminal is on the right side which is correct.The battery box fit will be the same.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2021, 05:06:30 PM by grcamna2 »
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Offline Stev-o

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There always seems to be a few fairly new looking batteries on Craigslist in the $50 range. Perhaps meet the seller at an auto parts store and have such a battery load tested?

I want a new one. The one that's in there now is a 36 month battery I bought new from AutoZone...

I've had very good luck with batteries for my vehicles and my boat.  Look for the number on your battery to determine exactly what you need, are you sure it is a group 47?

BTW - there are only about three major auto battery manufacturers in the U.S., I just recently found this out.
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Offline grcamna2

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There always seems to be a few fairly new looking batteries on Craigslist in the $50 range. Perhaps meet the seller at an auto parts store and have such a battery load tested?

I want a new one. The one that's in there now is a 36 month battery I bought new from AutoZone...

I've had very good luck with batteries for my vehicles and my boat.  Look for the number on your battery to determine exactly what you need, are you sure it is a group 47?

BTW - there are only about three major auto battery manufacturers in the U.S., I just recently found this out.

Hi Stev-o,what brand batteries do you run ?
I have called and spoken with Interstate today:they told me that group 47 is the correct one for the 740 which means it'll fit into the OEM plastic Volvo battery tray and will have the correct  case on the lower part of the battery to lock-in to it on the factory tray using the lock-piece it came with;if it'll fit the 740 then the terminals are identical to my 240 also,with the + on the right side.I've owned this car for 20 years and replaced a few different batteries in it:I made some of them fit even when the lower factory hold-down wouldn't match-up,although it's nice when one fits the way it should.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2021, 05:04:05 PM by grcamna2 »
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Offline Stev-o

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There always seems to be a few fairly new looking batteries on Craigslist in the $50 range. Perhaps meet the seller at an auto parts store and have such a battery load tested?

I want a new one. The one that's in there now is a 36 month battery I bought new from AutoZone...

I've had very good luck with batteries for my vehicles and my boat.  Look for the number on your battery to determine exactly what you need, are you sure it is a group 47?

BTW - there are only about three major auto battery manufacturers in the U.S., I just recently found this out.

Hi Stev-o,what brand batteries do you run ?

I have the Autozone Duralast in my Tacoma, bought it quite a few years ago and has been perfect. Dont think I paid $149 for it though, seems prices of batteries has gone up...
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Offline grcamna2

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I purchased a Duralast for this car when I was driving it every day and it was in-service for 5-6 yrs.
I'd rather ride the cycle and save $ on fuel,park easy,etc. and I think I may need to figure out a way to get one of those new solar 'pulse chargers' that Don R was mentioning when I get a new battery in the automobile? You ever use those ?
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Offline Stev-o

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I purchased a Duralast for this car when I was driving it every day and it was in-service for 5-6 yrs.

I just looked at my Duralast, can not remember buying it, but I'd say it must be 4-5 years old.
I have not used a solar battery charger but sounds like a great idea for a car that does not get used everyday.
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Offline grcamna2

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I purchased a Duralast for this car when I was driving it every day and it was in-service for 5-6 yrs.

I just looked at my Duralast, can not remember buying it, but I'd say it must be 4-5 years old.
I have not used a solar battery charger but sounds like a great idea for a car that does not get used everyday.

Hi Stev-o,I just had a look at that solar charger on Amazon and it looks decent.I was looking at Don R's reply#2 on Mar.25 here and he mentioned a (solar?) charger that has a pulse feature(I think it's fairly new tech)which is supposed to deal with sulphate in an improved way?
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Offline Stev-o

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I purchased a Duralast for this car when I was driving it every day and it was in-service for 5-6 yrs.

I just looked at my Duralast, can not remember buying it, but I'd say it must be 4-5 years old.
I have not used a solar battery charger but sounds like a great idea for a car that does not get used everyday.

Hi Stev-o,I just had a look at that solar charger on Amazon and it looks decent.I was looking at Don R's reply#2 on Mar.25 here and he mentioned a (solar?) charger that has a pulse feature(I think it's fairly new tech)which is supposed to deal with sulphate in an improved way?

Hey camna...just read Dons reply, dont think he meant a solar charger with the pulse feature to restore sulfated batteries.  Click to read more from BatteryStuff, I buy most my motorcycle batteries [Scorpion brand] from them...
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

Offline Don R

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  Sorry, I meant two different chargers. One pulse,  or one solar.
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Offline grcamna2

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I've been looking for a solar 'pulse' charger,haven't been able to find one.
75' CB400F/'bunch o' parts' & 81' CB125S modded to a 'CB200S'
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Offline grcamna2

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I purchased a Duralast for this car when I was driving it every day and it was in-service for 5-6 yrs.

I just looked at my Duralast, can not remember buying it, but I'd say it must be 4-5 years old.
I have not used a solar battery charger but sounds like a great idea for a car that does not get used everyday.

Hi Stev-o,I just had a look at that solar charger on Amazon and it looks decent.I was looking at Don R's reply#2 on Mar.25 here and he mentioned a (solar?) charger that has a pulse feature(I think it's fairly new tech)which is supposed to deal with sulphate in an improved way?

Hey camna...just read Dons reply, dont think he meant a solar charger with the pulse feature to restore sulfated batteries.  Click to read more from BatteryStuff, I buy most my motorcycle batteries [Scorpion brand] from them...

Thanks,that information is very helpful.
75' CB400F/'bunch o' parts' & 81' CB125S modded to a 'CB200S'
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