I hope not to have opened a can of worms. If this gets into a political debate we run the risk to have a "Voxan Charade" thread running for 10+ pages.
The americans kicked spaniards out of Cuba at the dawn of the 20th century. Americans entered the spanish-cuban war because of the sinking of the "Maine", while later research demonstrated that there was no evidence of that. Was it just an accident or blown up on purpose to justify entering into the war? Nobody knows.
There is also evidence that the US government knew that the japanese would attack Pearl Harbor -it was even exposed in "yellow press" such as the National Geographic a few years back. Is it just a coincidence that the best battleship were sent out of Pearl Harbor a few days before the attack? Who knows....
The sinking of the "Rainbow Warrior" was also a mystery until the french government declared it was his secret service. That's just another situation to demonstrate that terrorist are to be feared, but terrorism instilled by governments is even worst because it will never be punished.
I just mentioned the "french connection" of Voxan to stir the pot a little because I know many americans doesn't feel sympathy for the french. But find a french -or anybody for that matter- involved in a car crash and tell me you would walk by without helping him. We tend to love or hate people as a whole, but really don't make distinctions between individuals.
Furthermore, if we have to boycott other countries based in past deeds, I should have to boycott the US for the spanish-cuban war, Germany for the WWII, France for the Independence war in the 19th century, muslims for the invasion of Spain in the 15th century, Italians for the Roman invasion of Spain, Moroccans for the Sahara war in 20th century and the Perejil incident in 2002, UK for the Trafalgar battle and for the Pirates stealing the gold and silver we stole from the south-american countries we raided. Russia for the support to the comunist party in the spanish Civil War -I should hate half of Spain for that matter, but as I was not even born back then, I should have to choose wich side I hate less and then hate the other one more-.
Now back to the original topic, Voxan have just a few models on the showrooms, and all of them are groundbreaking. The only problem I can see is regarding the service and availability of spares.