So I’m changing out my valve cover gasket and I’m checking on the tower pucks that I had already replaced previously years ago. Long enough that I can’t remember if they were ever convex like they are now. I could’ve sworn they were just flat, but it’s been so long I don’t remember.
Anyway I’m looking at other people’s pictures and I find A lot of those pictures to in fact look like they are dome shape as well. Interestingly, as it was in the case with mine also, seems like the convex side is pointing Toward the cam bolts and the concave side is facing the rocker cover. They haven’t failed, so I’m guessing everything is correct. But I just find it strange that on the rocker cover itself it has concave dimples right above where the pucks go. Makes me think that the convex side should point towards the rocker cover unlike what I’ve been seeing.
And again I can’t remember if they were just flat to begin with and that is just something that naturally happens over time. If anybody knows the answer to this I’m very curious before I put things back. Pictures included.

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