Young and dumb back again. I managed to replace the front fork studs, but it seems one problem is leading to another. While waiting for the studs to come in the mail, I also replaced my throttle lines. However, the ones I ordered were "short", and I did not think twice about this until I received them. Trying to deal with less lineage, I had to run them on the driver's right, and above the ignition coils. Although to get them to have enough slack when turning the handles right to left I had to move my throttle handle and the master brake cyclinder/front broke handle inward. This caused the front brake top line to get a bit more curved than it used to be.
Now, with all this said, the problem I faced today was trying to get the wheel and rotor to slide into the brake housing. I could not! There was not enough clearance between the brake pucks. This is where I became young and stupid... instead of taking the brake apart and compressing the piston like I should, I cheated. I loosened the bolts holding the back and front puck together to gain extra clearance. I also tried some other things that must not be spoken (they involved a flat head). Then after gaining about a mm or two I squeezed the rotor and wheel in and tighten back the caliper housing bolts. Next, I tightened the front wheel to specs with the gap in the rear. But now the wheel is too tight... I once again was stupid and thought maybe I can get away with riding it around the block a little and this will loosen up the heavy heavy drag. Nope! Rotor got so hot it burned the rotor guard.... I could use some help here.
First: How do I gain extra clearance so that I can fit my rotor properly in-between the caliper.
Two: Could it be that extra bend in the front brake line from moving the handle bars inward has caused this restriction in caliper clearance?
Three: Why is it that when I drove around the block, the front brake would not engage by pulling the front brake handle? Even though it would automatically come to a quick stop as though I was pulling the front brake. I understand that the pucks are tight against the rotor, but why? Did I accidentally squeeze the brake lever when doing the throttle cable change?
Thank you for any suggestions and thoughts. And I know I need to start slowing down, but the week of no riding to make some repairs is driving me crazy.