Author Topic: Little green ground wire  (Read 670 times)

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Online beemerbum

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Little green ground wire
« on: April 18, 2021, 04:05:43 PM »
To settle a bet: On the 1972 CB 750 K2, was the little green ground wire put between the seat lock bracket and the frame, OR was it on the exterior of the seat lock bracket and fastened there with the bolt? I know Hondaman in his book shows it between the bracket and the frame. A good friend, early Honda mechanic, who assembled Sandcasts and KO's, back in the day, says it fit just under the bolt outside the bracket
« Last Edit: April 18, 2021, 04:08:50 PM by beemerbum »

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Re: Little green ground wire
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2021, 07:50:02 PM »
To settle a bet: On the 1972 CB 750 K2, was the little green ground wire put between the seat lock bracket and the frame, OR was it on the exterior of the seat lock bracket and fastened there with the bolt? I know Hondaman in his book shows it between the bracket and the frame. A good friend, early Honda mechanic, who assembled Sandcasts and KO's, back in the day, says it fit just under the bolt outside the bracket

If this helps: the picture in my book is from my own CB750K2, built 11/71, and the wire had not been disturbed since new before that picture was taken for the book. The frame surface under the ring terminal had become slightly corroded and meausred more than 0.5 ohm, which was why I took it apart to clean it that weekend.
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