Hi all, yes another newbie with probably a host of questions to ask about the 1977 Cb400f project I've under taken, I've had lots of bikes in the past, starting first with Rd200, Cb175, then a Katana 550 followed by Gpz900,Fzr1000 exup, ZZr1100, ZX900, Vmax, BT1100,SV1000s,GSX1400 and then a Victory Hammer. getting a long in the tooth and I hung my spurs up then and thought that was it, along came lock down down and nothing to do so under took a sympathetic restoration shall we call it of a CB400f which I'm finding to be a bit of a pain, I'm trying to keep it standard but there's so many wrong parts that I am finding that have been made to fit I don't know which are the right one's but I'm hoping this forum will keep me right. Just as a matter of interest, do we get the verification questions every time we post anything, I looked up the answers and dam when I came back they'd changed em.LOL