Yep, this is proof that drug affected scumbags will steal anything. I've often wondered what I'd steal if I was that way inclined (I'm often drug affected, but I think I have some standards) and the problem is that it'd have to be a rare and unique motorcycle that I'd have to steal from a museum because I'd never steal another guys bike, and I wouldn't be able to bring myself to sell it, so it'd stick out like dogs balls to the average highway patrol cop, when an old drug affected scumbag roared past on a Vincent Black Shadow or similar.
Many years ago I was killing time in Adelaide so I went to visit the Birdwood Motor Museum. The place was empty and you could fire a shot thru the place without hitting anyone. I was admiring some Brough Superior SS100's, the bike made famous by T.E. Lawrence, "Lawrence of Arabia" and was really impressed in the beautiful engineering details of these bikes. It was a really hot day, and the old museum wasn't airconditioned, so they'd left the side door to the carpark open, to circulate the air.
I must admit I did think about just wheeling one of these beauties out into the carpark and into the back of the van that I was driving, but being that I was in uniform, and it was an Army van, it probably wouldn't have been a good career move, in hindsight. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't steal anything less than a Vincent or Brough, I guess that's what separates most of us from the dirtbags.......