My bike has a 4 into1 header system with the OEM airbox. Air filter was new last fall. Engine has run rich since I bought it last fall, even after removing the pods and putting the original OEM air filter box back in place, no difference. You can see and smell black smoke when riding behind the bike when shifting. Yesterday, I removed the original #110 main jets and replaced with #105 jets. Idle jets are original #38, I believe. I made sure the carbs and passages were clean while apart. The engine is running way better through the whole throttle range with the #105 main jets. Starts up good with no choke. No black smoke when shifting with the new 105 jets. Still has some exhaust smell when riding behind it but not nearly as bad as it was with the 110 jets.
However, it still runs rich at idle with some black smoke. The choke blades are opened properly. The rubber carb intake boots were replaced several months ago. All four air/fuel screws underneath are 1-1/2 turns out. I would like to deal with this. Which way do I turn them to lean it out? Any advice on setting these screws and dealing with the rich idle issue would be greatly appreciated! At what point would I drop from #38 jets down to #35 idle jets? On a side note, I'm still trying to find a 4 into 2 or 4 into 4 exhaust system for it. Thank you for your input and advice!