I hadn't heard from Bobby for a while, so I decided to send him a FB message to see how he was going, when I saw that his page has been changed to "Remembering Bob". I sent his wife (also named Terry) a message of condolence, and she replied right away, sadly Bobby passed a year ago, on October 19 last year. He had a Prostate Cancer thread here, and Terry told me that it was the cancer that took him, spreading to his lungs, brain, and into his bones.
Bobby was a long time member here, and a frequent poster from 2005 thru to 2020. Bobby was a helicopter pilot in Vietnam, a cop, an avid photographer, and a passionate motorcyclist. He was very proud of his family, and his mom survived him by a month and a day, at age 103, I believe. Bobby was a great guy and we chatted regularly here, and I must admit that I should have kept in contact with him, but as always, life gets in the way and a year passes before you know it.
Terry's told me that his immaculate CB750 K8 is for sale, and Bobby had told her that it was to go to an enthusiast, and not to be parted out. If anyone's interested, PM me with an offer and and I'll pass it on, but please, no low ballers, that wouldn't be cool. Here's the only obituary that I could find sadly, but as he passed a year ago, not unexpected.
Bobby Rohr by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Bobby Rohr 1 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr