That's right, removing the old cover isn't much trouble, remove the seat from the bike and just bend the few steel tabs up so the "saw tooth" edge isn't holding the cover down and gently pry up the pointed tabs at the front that "stab" through the cover material. Oh yeah, do this after you have pulled off the decorative band that goes around the bottom of the seat. The cover should then just slip off. It's a 10 minute job, if that.
As for a seat cover, my guess is an upholsterer will charge more for making a one-off than companies that offer aftermarket covers for sale. I bought one a year ago from B&H Specialty in Texas ( It's not a match to the original in terms of the stitch pattern, but it is the right shape and they use good material well suited for the job. Including shipping, the cost was about $85. I did not order a strap ($30 extra) or the silkscreen "HONDA" on the rear of the cover ($25 extra). Took about a month to get, but in this economy, they may not be so busy. Overall, I'm happy with it. When you put the new cover on, you must be prepared to do some stretching and pulling in order to get a tight fit. You can't just start in one place and work around as you will pull too much to one side. Work opposite sides to equal out the pulling. Even if it takes a couple tries, putting the new one on is a 30 minute job.