A Tri Wing, great that's all we need. Not bad enough when there's like ten different torx heads , some can be males and others that are female, 2 kinds of Phillips in 3 sizes each, then there's slotted in at least 5 sizes ,and then there is square drive, Then theres only like a half a million Allen heads in Metric and SAE........ I run into most of these things in a single day when taking an old house apart but I only need half as many bits putting things back together. I bought a 6 x 4 box with almost fifty different bits for my screw guns and keep it in my truck at all times, you just never know what you'll run into in one house. This is an excellent example for the pissed off thread by the way. It's especially great if any of these fasteners are damaged and nothing short of a Cat's Paw or a Sawzall will disengage one piece form another. And who would think a 3 winged screw would be an improvement over a 4 winged Phillips screw ,and if that isn't enough ,why not make the screw out of aluminum so when it strips out at least it could be a little easier to run a drill bit through it.