I was poking around on Google and one of the hits landed me onto this thread.
I'm not sure what all the animosity gained anyone, but I was familiar with the guy's site. Yes, the format and info accessibility is lacking. Perhaps he missed an item or two and/or err'ed on a couple of things. There's a lot of material there and opportunity to miss something. And unless he's got a photographic memory, then it's a given that he's included data that was sourced elsewhere. (All authors do that, by the way).
But, he put a tremendous amount of work into compiling and "organizing" the material. He has posted it free of charge. And, unless the intended audience was to be limited to a narrow group of easily-offended, pretentious web denizens, then I think he's done the community a service and I, for one, appreciate it.
I was thrilled to find his site, have it bookmarked and use it often.