Author Topic: I want to pick your brains about a business venture im looking at  (Read 1611 times)

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Offline ekpent

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Re: I want to pick your brains about a business venture im looking at
« Reply #25 on: May 10, 2021, 08:19:00 PM »
 Hopefully there is enough money potential there to make it a success for you. Sounds like the pie is getting split at least 4 ways. Hypothetically if the owner would settle for lets say 50% of the proceeds the other 50% would need to be split up with you and your two partners which could work out to lets say around 17% each. Maybe you can work out a better deal.  If you could come up with the cash a large buyout of specially cherry picked items that you know are good and sell able or usable would be a good option to shoot for. The longer the stuff sits there the more danger someone else will roll through especially if he or other people get talking too much or people start noticing activity. Putting it out on the internet might be dangerous already, kind of like talking about a favorite fishing hole or mushrooming spot  ;)
« Last Edit: May 10, 2021, 08:25:17 PM by ekpent »

Offline Don R

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Re: I want to pick your brains about a business venture im looking at
« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2021, 05:09:38 PM »
 A diary in a hard cover book is good legal practice. Every day note the date time you got there the weather and what went on that day. I worked for a plumber that got sued a lot, his legal team insisted on the book. 
No matter how many times you paint over a shadow, it's still there.
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Offline Shtonecb500

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Re: I want to pick your brains about a business venture im looking at
« Reply #27 on: June 05, 2021, 10:08:07 AM »
rented a house for a week, rented a car, heading to this shop tomorrow morning to see if I can make something out of this situation. Thanks for the advice and tips.

Ill have plenty to discuss in a week or this will be fizzled out.
73/74'' CB500/550 resto-mod - sold
75' 750f 91' cbr f2 swap cafe - mock up
74' 750 chopper hardtail - complete - sold
74' CB750/836kit - Black mix & match - daily rider - always tweaking
71' cb500 K0 survivor - complete
71' K1 - CANDY GOLD/BROWN Winton kit - in process

Offline BenelliSEI

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Re: I want to pick your brains about a business venture im looking at
« Reply #28 on: June 05, 2021, 05:01:12 PM »
Good luck..... make notes.

Offline Alan F.

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Re: I want to pick your brains about a business venture im looking at
« Reply #29 on: June 05, 2021, 09:57:53 PM »
Good luck and enjoy the adventure.

Offline Shtonecb500

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Re: I want to pick your brains about a business venture im looking at
« Reply #30 on: June 08, 2021, 06:02:17 AM »
Honda CR dirt bikes (2)
Husqvarna dirt bike
a few more dirt bikes flopped around but not familiar with them.
Honda Express
CB350 almost all there
Ducati - parted out but a roller
Ducati - parted out but a roller
CB160 scrambler in good shape
3-4 CB550's scattered around
3-4 cl/cb350's scattered around
honda 500r
honda passport
there are a few crotch rockets in there with good front ends and rear wheels, a nice earlier goldwing no fairings. The mechanic said he is busy everyday except off on saturday, lots of suzuki, Kawasaki, vintage stuff, motors mostly parted out, most of the bikes are picked through. I was hoping for more parts to be found but not much more was found. My plan of rolling bikes into the basement has been foiled because they filled the damn basement lol.
There used to be room but not anymore, its filled with more bike and parts, which for me, means im not any longer trying to help him reduce his inventory, im thinking maybe I just caught his shop in a pandemic, he has two mechanics in his bay, both have to be in their 60s.

He would like to sell the beetle, said it runs good, needs a new floor board and probably  a top.

I got him to open the truck trailer, he said there are about 100 motorcycles in there, I couldn't see past 2 feet into it, he does have a shelf built and the top is loaded as well, front to back. I didn't even bother taking a picture of it, just imagine a semi truck trailer packed to the door.....all i saw was like three rear ends of bikes before the darkness swallowed them.
The basement being full of #$%* now is a buzzkill for me in combination with not finding a little more on the floor, or maybe just seeing a lot of #$%* i wouldn't want to #$%* with.

The basement is full of carbs, there are about 50 minibikes in the building, dont know what bikes are in the semi truck, he has no bmw and said he has one triumph basket case.

As for the 4 wheelers, he said anything from service year 2018 or earlier is his now and can be sold, everything else he would need to call on and give them a chance to collect, pay bill, or pay the storage fee owed since they never collected. Most now have a storage fee more than the 4 wheeler is worth. Only then, would i see there being room in the first room with the lift, to possibly move things off the truck trailer into the shop. There is no quick way to get into the trailer, he accumulated more stuff in the basement, the building is kinda moldy and damp which makes me not want to spend prolonged hours inside of it.

I spent the day inside the building today, found more bikes, had a better rested set of eyes on everything, climbed over everything, got some more conversations in with him too. He really wants a parts manager, everything organized, catalogued and sold. Said I could have the spare office and put an A/C unit in it.  I told him I wasn't interested in anything more than 2 years, he wants the back wall to have racks to the ceiling  and said he will get a hi-lo. There is a mold issue on the back wall, he has a neighbor with a close proximity building and the runoff is causing issues on that side of the building, already black mold/mildew on the back walls, on ground in back, another reason why I wouldn't want this to be a long term situation, even wearing my mask in there is a huge difference, so its a problem for me.

All in all, if I want a job breaking down bikes, building up bikes, buying and selling bikes and being an online store parts manager, i found it.  I told him today that I am not a mechanic, and I wouldn't take any responsibility for his service departmentin any way. My buddies aren't going to want to be get into anything that isn't extremely short term, I would have to line up work or projects for them to come and spend time on.

after looking at everything today, the rooms just need a little love, he doesn't really have TOO MUCH stuff, everything is fairly organized, lined up fine...just need to start selling stuff....

Ill find out tomorrow how much he is paying and figure out if this is going to be worth it or not.

Revised list
1974 Yamaha enduro 250 w/ red tank
06 kawasaki
honda 900rr
harley davidson sportser
76/77' honda express, orange
ducati roller
ducati roller
ducati whole bike - might be customer last plated in 18'
cb350 stock almost all there, orange
cb160 scrambler silver with red stripe
honda passport yellow
CT90 orange
honda 350 single cylinder  (i think) blue tank
Honda VFR750
yamaha XT dirt bike
Triumph t100
kawasaki z1000
kawasaki gpz1100
honda xr200

« Last Edit: June 08, 2021, 06:27:56 PM by Shtonecb500 »
73/74'' CB500/550 resto-mod - sold
75' 750f 91' cbr f2 swap cafe - mock up
74' 750 chopper hardtail - complete - sold
74' CB750/836kit - Black mix & match - daily rider - always tweaking
71' cb500 K0 survivor - complete
71' K1 - CANDY GOLD/BROWN Winton kit - in process

Offline grcamna2

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Re: I want to pick your brains about a business venture im looking at
« Reply #31 on: June 08, 2021, 07:23:15 PM »
75' CB400F/'bunch o' parts' & 81' CB125S modded to a 'CB200S'
  I love the small ones too !
Do your BEST...nobody can take that away from you.

Offline Alan F.

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Re: I want to pick your brains about a business venture im looking at
« Reply #32 on: June 09, 2021, 03:42:55 AM »
A cheap pump sprayer full of bleach and water might help with the mold remediation and the residue could help keep it away, but I'm not a pro at that so... But I'd recommend that you consider future health conditions related to the air quality in that place. I've been running an ionic air cleaner at home for years, when I clean it i'm always amazed at the amount of fine crud it scrubs out of the air, crud I'd otherwise be inhaling...then I'd be the filter. Blehk.

Offline Shtonecb500

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Re: I want to pick your brains about a business venture im looking at
« Reply #33 on: June 17, 2021, 06:57:40 PM »
Ive watched A LOT of American Pickers, I couldn't believe how well prepared I was for how this guy acted. He couldn't put a price on anything, I asked for 4 days politely. He originally said he wasn't attached to anything in the building, every bike i brought up "had a story". My idea of moving everything into the basement from upstairs to unload the trailer was foiled by the fact he added another 30 bikes in the basement and a #$%* ton of parts. ALL IN ALL, there is a corner office with my name on it if I want to move there and work, but this guy isn't retiring, his wife probably wants him to retire, but he isn't doing that right now. I asked him if he was going to be bringing bikes in as i sell and he said yeah. He opened the semi truck trailer for me, I saw the back end of two motorcycles and boxes before the darkness swallowed it all, he said there were about 100 bikes in there and i believe him, they sealed up the trailer really, really, well from the outside, smelled and felt dry when we opened the door, he wasnt bull#$%*ting about building a shelf and loading that too, the entire length of the trailer.

I gave him a list of about 20 motorcycles I liked, he didn't put a price on anything, I gave the list to his wife and told her to call me if she wanted to sell anything.

examples of excuses:

dirt bike : "Thats the only ridable one I have and was hoping to get it back out camping"
ct90: "I just got that to scoot around"
passport: "oh yeah that"
xl350 "thats my dads, it can be had...."
anything else "funny story on that one..."

Since this is no longer a "move into town and sell it all" kinda thing, it's not really my speed. I don't think he will have any issues brining in an auction house to go through that place in 2-3 days and have everything listed in a month whenever he is ready. Disappointed he couldn't put a price on a single thing, but i'm glad I never got frustrated once, I just kept digging around his house writing everything down.

If anyone wants to give him a call, its The Bike Shop in KC Missouri -

TAKE CARE ALL, thanks for all the advice and guidance, back to my bikes.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2021, 07:56:13 AM by Shtonecb500 »
73/74'' CB500/550 resto-mod - sold
75' 750f 91' cbr f2 swap cafe - mock up
74' 750 chopper hardtail - complete - sold
74' CB750/836kit - Black mix & match - daily rider - always tweaking
71' cb500 K0 survivor - complete
71' K1 - CANDY GOLD/BROWN Winton kit - in process

Offline Alan F.

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Re: I want to pick your brains about a business venture im looking at
« Reply #34 on: June 17, 2021, 07:05:09 PM »
Good on you for being so prepared. Maybe the widow will call you back.

Offline dave500

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Re: I want to pick your brains about a business venture im looking at
« Reply #35 on: June 18, 2021, 12:31:41 AM »
guys like that cant part with stuff,its all special to them?

Offline Shtonecb500

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Re: I want to pick your brains about a business venture im looking at
« Reply #36 on: June 18, 2021, 07:58:58 AM »
Only if..
73/74'' CB500/550 resto-mod - sold
75' 750f 91' cbr f2 swap cafe - mock up
74' 750 chopper hardtail - complete - sold
74' CB750/836kit - Black mix & match - daily rider - always tweaking
71' cb500 K0 survivor - complete
71' K1 - CANDY GOLD/BROWN Winton kit - in process

Offline Alan F.

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Re: I want to pick your brains about a business venture im looking at
« Reply #37 on: June 18, 2021, 08:46:55 AM »
I guess it's a fine line between hobbies, bad habits and hoarding disorders.

I'm beginning the uncomfortable process of moving shop (after 10 years) into storage until I find a new place.

Offline grcamna2

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Re: I want to pick your brains about a business venture im looking at
« Reply #38 on: July 03, 2021, 05:15:47 PM »
Ive watched A LOT of American Pickers, I couldn't believe how well prepared I was for how this guy acted. He couldn't put a price on anything, I asked for 4 days politely. He originally said he wasn't attached to anything in the building, every bike i brought up "had a story". My idea of moving everything into the basement from upstairs to unload the trailer was foiled by the fact he added another 30 bikes in the basement and a #$%* ton of parts. ALL IN ALL, there is a corner office with my name on it if I want to move there and work, but this guy isn't retiring, his wife probably wants him to retire, but he isn't doing that right now. I asked him if he was going to be bringing bikes in as i sell and he said yeah. He opened the semi truck trailer for me, I saw the back end of two motorcycles and boxes before the darkness swallowed it all, he said there were about 100 bikes in there and i believe him, they sealed up the trailer really, really, well from the outside, smelled and felt dry when we opened the door, he wasnt bull#$%*ting about building a shelf and loading that too, the entire length of the trailer.

I gave him a list of about 20 motorcycles I liked, he didn't put a price on anything, I gave the list to his wife and told her to call me if she wanted to sell anything.

examples of excuses:

dirt bike : "Thats the only ridable one I have and was hoping to get it back out camping"
ct90: "I just got that to scoot around"
passport: "oh yeah that"
xl350 "thats my dads, it can be had...."
anything else "funny story on that one..."

Since this is no longer a "move into town and sell it all" kinda thing, it's not really my speed. I don't think he will have any issues brining in an auction house to go through that place in 2-3 days and have everything listed in a month whenever he is ready. Disappointed he couldn't put a price on a single thing, but i'm glad I never got frustrated once, I just kept digging around his house writing everything down.

If anyone wants to give him a call, its The Bike Shop in KC Missouri -

TAKE CARE ALL, thanks for all the advice and guidance, back to my bikes.

Ok,I see what you had to deal with:trying to find out what the man Really Wants to Do..  ::) To make his mind up.That's a no-win situation because he's 'still locked-into it'
75' CB400F/'bunch o' parts' & 81' CB125S modded to a 'CB200S'
  I love the small ones too !
Do your BEST...nobody can take that away from you.

Offline Don R

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Re: I want to pick your brains about a business venture im looking at
« Reply #39 on: July 05, 2021, 08:21:31 PM »
  I got a couple bikes from my brother, I really didn't want them but if he can let go, I'll help with that. I took a few parts with them just so I could throw them away because I know he can't. Two in, three must go. new personal rule.
  I have a couple with no titles, they will get parted and cut up. 
No matter how many times you paint over a shadow, it's still there.
 CEO at the no kill motorcycle shop.
 You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

Offline grcamna2

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Re: I want to pick your brains about a business venture im looking at
« Reply #40 on: July 11, 2021, 10:16:55 AM »
What part of Kansas City,MO. is this shop ?
75' CB400F/'bunch o' parts' & 81' CB125S modded to a 'CB200S'
  I love the small ones too !
Do your BEST...nobody can take that away from you.

Offline Shtonecb500

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Re: I want to pick your brains about a business venture im looking at
« Reply #41 on: July 11, 2021, 06:55:57 PM »
What part of Kansas City,MO. is this shop ?

pretty sure its right by the university medical campus right downtown.
73/74'' CB500/550 resto-mod - sold
75' 750f 91' cbr f2 swap cafe - mock up
74' 750 chopper hardtail - complete - sold
74' CB750/836kit - Black mix & match - daily rider - always tweaking
71' cb500 K0 survivor - complete
71' K1 - CANDY GOLD/BROWN Winton kit - in process

Offline grcamna2

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Re: I want to pick your brains about a business venture im looking at
« Reply #42 on: July 11, 2021, 07:12:31 PM »
What part of Kansas City,MO. is this shop ?

pretty sure its right by the university medical campus right downtown.

I am considering calling them Mon?/tomorrow to see if they have a Suzuki exh. system;I sent a couple PM's your way asking about that.I read what you've written on this thread about them and that huge pile of exhausts,so here's hoping they're somewhat organized enough to know what they have  ::)

Edit:I called,spoke with Mark this morning and he said they don't have one.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2021, 09:43:53 AM by grcamna2 »
75' CB400F/'bunch o' parts' & 81' CB125S modded to a 'CB200S'
  I love the small ones too !
Do your BEST...nobody can take that away from you.