You're all correct (and this is much like what we saw in 2006-ish before).
I worked with Japan from the late 1960s through the early 2000s in many markets, with many engineers there, and their bosses. I learned a LOT about how to attract their attention and 'maintain honor', which was always paramount then. It is a little less so today, but the old money and old leaders still have influence in their culture, and Japanese engineering and culture are closely connected. And they dislike ('hate' might be more accurate) copycat thieves in places like Malaysia and China....
Some of the more important points then (2006) were:
- Which models/bikes would be most important? CB750 tops that list, with CB500/550/350F (especially since Sochiro owned this one)/400F, and possibly the CB650, although it was largely a bomb in sales and not widely esteemed today (and its electronic parts are obsolete since 1992-ish). The CBX and CB450 are also iconic models. The GL1000 parts supply somewhat survives today because Honda deemed it the pivotal turning point toward their car business, at least as far as engineering efforts were concerned.
- The potential market volume and a good way to esteem Honda for going to this effort (this is very important to getting it done). The manufacture of these parts is, like Don R points out, a spare-time sort of operation for Honda's vendors. I suspect we are about to see (within the next year) a LOT of spare-time availability as Japan struggles back into the market following the Covid impacts of all sorts. Historically speaking, this drove all of Japan's industry as they must import every drop of oil and grain of aluminum/steel ore: their island has nothing to help with this activity.
- Finding a way for a 'petition' that can be 'signed' by lots of owners/customers to acknowledge the effort's requests and Honda's response. It will NOT help to complain about the cost of the parts: they will be purpose-built and likely less than 2000 items per part number at a time, so yes, they will cost more. When Honda started offering the swingarm collars again in 2007 their price was doubled, but their quality was pure Honda and they were flawless parts. This is probably what we would see again: when they responded to American Honda's requests for OEM points and condensors in 2009 we got genuine TEC points plates with TEC-quality condensors to boot for $80 per set: they have again stopped with these. This particular item is tops on my personal list, even though I am working on a possible alternate 'fix' for this situation if they decline.
I shall endeavor to contact American Honda about how to move forward with this, although I suspect they will be as deaf to it as they were in 2006. There are several Honda (bike) dealers who work with Japan directly (Sound Sound is one), so I may inquire that route, too.