Thanks for chiming in… Could you point out any instance of where I’ve whined about anything?
I’ll just assume you’re bitter about soiling your panties when you forgot to put your tampon in this month.
Anyway, taking the wheel off, modding the speedo drive isn’t the problem, I’ve fabbed up enough parts/frame hoops, etc to be able to handle it. I don’t need help figuring out how to do it, or what tools I’d need, as much as getting an idea of what is actually involved.
As I’ve stated… I’ll be doing this one in the street, which aside from being cumbersome due to the proximity of the shop/Vice/tools I’d use, is also not allowed. My neighbors call and report, the city of SF loves towing vehicles. They take no mercy. We also have weekly street sweeper/cleaner, which is preceded by an army of meter maids who cite cars in its path (and tow vehicles which are either unregistered or undrivable).
I’m willing to take the chance, and take the heat from neighbors, but have pretty much one shot at it at getting it done, so was hoping to know exactly what it entails, so I can plan accordingly, and get it done in a timely manner.
I’ve also already reached out to Jeff.
Is that more clear for you, Mrs. RAFster?