Thanks guys, I'm happy with it so far. Now for me, the turning point in any build, is painting the frame. Once the frame is painted, I can take all the parts that have been cleaned, de-rusted, painted, or replaced (I was gonna add "polished", but I'm not really a fan) and start assembling a motorcycle from a pile of parts that arrived here in tubs, and to me, apart from the first few shake out rides, this is the most satisfying time, seeing an actual motorcycle born from a pile of junk parts.
Today, the first day of Spring here in Oz, was a cracker of a day, 23 degrees C, (73 deg F) the warmest day since May, and brilliant sunshine. I had a phone consultation with my doc, who prescribed more Melatonin and Morphine (mixes well with ginger beer) so I went to drop off the SMS message prescriptions (they have to make the stuff for me specially) and picked up some chicken and fries for the family lunch. After lunch I called the sandblaster just to enquire as to when the frame would be finished, only to be told that it was finished, and to come and get it. Woohoo!
I raced over there and collected it, and was happy with the result, looked terrific.
T500 Wednesday 1 Sep 2021 a by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Now I usually paint them in my driveway, but there's still the remains of a tree in there at the moment, so I dragged it around behind the laundry. I only had just less than one full can of Rustoleum as I'd ordered two on the weekend, but hadn't received notice that it was ready to collect, so I was super careful with it, hoping to get the frame done with enough coverage that if we got any rain overnight, (doubtful, but it's happened before) it wouldn't "flash rust". I was so desperate that I painted the swingarm with some epoxy enamel that I'd bought to do the K0 frame last year. Good thing I did too, as I ran out of Rustoleum with a bit more of the main frame left to do.
T500 Wednesday 1 Sep 2021 1 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I went back inside and did some more paid work, then an hour or so later I got a SMS message from Bunnings saying that my Rustoleum was ready to collect, so I booked a time to pick it up, drove over and grabbed my 2 new cans. By this time the paint on the frame had 2 hours to dry, so I flipped the frame over and painted all the bits I'd previously missed. I was pretty happy with the result, yes, there were a couple of runs, but hell, that just gives it character!
T500 Wednesday 1 Sep 2021 2 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Anyhoo, all going well tomorrow, I'll start assembling it. I'm still waiting on the new Dunlop K70 tyres, but the 47 year old Dunlop K70's will be safe enough to go for a lap or two around the block, they're in much better condition than the 20(+) year old Dunlops (no idea what type they are) on the CB750A, which are absolutely buggared. I'm not sure if I have the correct bolts for the fenders etc, but I should be able to make something work, probably rednecking at it's finest.
Also, my gaskets arrived from Canada today, so I want to assemble the engine, but the "oil dams" for the gearbox haven't arrived yet. I was looking on Youtube at the "fix" and saw a good vid with pretty clear instructions, so if the "dams" haven't arrived by the weekend, I might have to get the welder out. I haven't done any alloy welding in years, and so I don't bugger my good cases, I might have to practise on my old cases first.....We'll see.

T500 Wednesday 1 Sep 2021 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr