Thanks Bill, no idea mate, there are a lot of short threaded "plugs" underneath, that it may well be that some are there to drain off any excess oil, I'll have a look tomorrow when I get my freshly blasted cases back.
Anyway, Happy Friday all, it's funny, when I'm at work at the barracks, I live for Fridays, but when I'm working from home, they tend to sneak up on me. Yesterday we had "R U OK Day" where we all had to ask each other if they were OK (I didn't, because I didn't care that much...) and ironically, today was "Suicide Prevention Day", so I suppose that if I'd asked everyone if they were OK they wouldn't have necked themselves today? I suppose I'll have to wait until Monday to find out?
So while the rest of the world were asking each other if they were OK and pulling each other back from the brink, I was sneaking outside to do some bike work. I sneaked out to the garage a couple of times to clear coat the oil tank, and was happy with the result. Yes, it has a dent, but it's only little....
T500 Friday 10 Sep 2021 1 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
By mid afternoon I'd given up any pretence of interest in work, so wandered outside. I fitted the handlebars and gauges, then rolled it out of the patio for the first time as I needed to rat thru some of the tubs at the back of the bench, and was very happy that I didn't have to reach over the frame and wheels as I have been for the last week or so.
T500 Friday 10 Sep 2021 4 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I then just did some little jobs like re-installing the original front blinkers after I cleaned them up a tad. I'll have to polish up the lenses as they're a bit dull, but I was happy to be able to re-use them as I do like to use as many of the original parts that I can. I also sorted the rear brake, so I can stop it if I need to as I have a sloping driveway. The first thing I noticed as I wheeled it around is how long it is, and happily for me, that it's a fair bit taller than the T350. It really is just a bigger T350, or maybe the T350 is a smaller version of the T500? Either way, it'll be better for me on longer rides, I'm sure.
T500 Friday 10 Sep 2021 6 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
And that was it, I wheeled it back into my very crowded patio, and called it a night. Tomorrow I have to do something about the headlight and brackets, if I don't get side-tracked with the engine. More tomorrow.

T500 Friday 10 Sep 2021 7 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr