I love long weekends. I don't care if the football club that I like isn't playing in the Grand Final tonight, hell I'm not going to even watch the game, I just like going to bed late at night, slightly inebriated, and waking up late in the morning. It's the small things in life that I enjoy the most. In three or four years I'll be retired and doing that every day. I really hope that the joy of sleeping in, knowing that I don't have to be anywhere, to do anything that someone else wants me to do, doesn't wane....
But I digress. The weather continued to be awful today, almost October and only 11 deg C (51 deg F) but the sun was shining and the wind wasn't too fierce. I had a late breakfast, then eventually waddled outside with my thermal beanie on, to decide what to do. As I crossed the threshold into the patio I made the decision to install engine, so without thinking too much, I grabbed the engine and shoved it into the frame. Once it was in, I remembered that at 140 pounds the engine only weighs 70 pounds less than I do, so I was kind of surprised that it went in so easily, after struggling so many Honda CB750 engines (that admittedly weigh around another 20-30 pounds more than my T500 engine) in and out over the years.
T500 Saturday 25 Sep 2021 6 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I thought about quickly bolting on the exhausts, fitting the carbs and the wiring harness, but then I decided that there was no rush, I'd fill the gearbox with oil and leave it overnight to see if there's any oil leaks. I think the T350 might have a leak around the clutch pushrod seal, and while the seals on the T500 have all been replaced, I thought it best to just leave as is overnight, and if the concrete underneath it is still dry tomorrow, than I can start bolting everything else back on.
After I found the engine mounting bolts I searched for awhile for the special 30mm tube spacer that of course was missing. I eventually found a spacer (in one of the T350 tubs, that I couldn't find when installing the T350 engine, so I turned up a new one) and cleaned all the mounting bolts and installed them. Then I measured out 1400ml (probably closer to 1450) of my favourite cheapo dino oil, and tipped it in to the gearbox.
T500 Saturday 25 Sep 2021 3 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
T500 Saturday 25 Sep 2021 4 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I thought I'd kick it over a few times to get all the internal gubbins coated in oil, and the first thing I noticed was the compression, bloody hell, this bike has way more comp than the T350! I hope it's going to be any easy starter, or else it's gonna be a b1tch. Oh well, no point in worrying about it, all going well there'll be no oil puddles beneath it tomorrow, and I can start bolting everything back together.
T500 Saturday 25 Sep 2021 5 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
The wife was struggling past the CB750A with her shopping bags yesterday (yes, of course I was carrying the groceries too) and was mumbling under her breath about all the motorcycles taking up space in "her" patio, and I almost blurted out that she's taking up a lot of space, but then for the first time in my married life my inner voice croaked, "SHUT THE FCUK UP, YOU IDIOT!" so I did, and life is good. I don't think I've ever had 4 full size bikes in the patio before, and with 9 bikes in the garage and 9 more in the two carports I put up last Christmas holidays I'm not sure where I'm gonna put these bikes when I have to empty the patio for our annual family Christmas barbecue, but with only 3 bikes in my self storage place at the moment I can probably squeeze another 2 maybe 3 bikes in, or maybe I should sell some? Hmmnnnn. If I do sell any, it won't be either of the Suzy's...

T500 Saturday 25 Sep 2021 7 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr