Thanks guys, and yes Bill, it's not a fuel problem, it's a lack of spark issue. This morning a package from New Zealand arrived with two kick starter pedals that John sent me, and wouldn't even let me pay for postage, thanks mate, I owe you, Krusty and Trevor each a beer, or 10! I whipped off my kicker pedal and made a better one using the bottom section of one of yours with the top section of mine, and installed it again. I got so excited I kicked the big lump over, and it started right up, on 1 cylinder again.
I removed the points cover and found one loose (but not disconnected) wire to the offending set of points, so I reckon that's where the problem lies, but I might swap out the points and condensors while I'm at it, one set at a time just to see if that fixes the issue, I've definitely got power to both coils, so I'll assume, for the time being, that both coils are fine and further posit that it's a duff wire from the points or condensor.
I discovered a little trick with my test light, with the engine running, if I earthed the light to the frame and poked the probe to the power terminal wire on the coil I got a constant glow, and if I poked the signal wire terminal on the coil, on the coil that was firing, I got a "flashing" glow, whereas on the coil that wasn't firing, it was just a constant glow, which tells me that there's no signal coming from that set of points to the coil? I think that's right, anyway.
I was blithely kicking away, when the kickstarter pedal ceased to engage. Fcuk! I had the same problem with the T350, and it wasn't a big problem, the spring loaded pawl wasn't engaging inside the gear so I was able to fix it just by removing the clutch side engine cover off, pulling the gear, unsticking the spring and reassembling everything, no biggie. On a T500, no such luck, you have to split the cases, then try to find a NOS gear and pawl, if you can find one. Suffering as I do from anxiety, I did a search and found a shop called NOS Parts Now, and even though they didn't have a lot of parts for my T500 I was able to get a new gear, pawl and spring for $170 shipped to my shipper in Florida, so all going well, I'll have those parts in a couple of weeks. Until then I'll attempt to shock the kicker back into some semblance of serviceability by tapping, shaking and begging it to engage. Push starting might be an option, and of course I always wanted to build one of those angle grinder powered race bike starters.
I'm not looking forwards to pulling it apart completely, so for Geoff and Simon, can I just tip it upside down and split the cases to get to the starter gear and pawl, or am I better off removing the heads, cylinders, pistons, and top case? I'm guessing the latter, but any input would be appreciated.
At the moment I'm nursing a sore foot, I've broken both ankles over the years and this morning when the kicker slipped, I thrust my foot into nothingness, but that was enough to get me limping and swearing. (it doesn't usually take much to make me do either) When I finish work for the day I'll wander out and see if I can't make it spark on both cylinders.