Well I got my CB550 restored and running. All was well for 30 miles. Took it to our monthly bike night and when I departed it started acting up. I knew I was losing power but made to within a block of home but of course it was a hill. Well of course my first thought was DAM HONDA, as i'm more of a Kawasaki guy. Finally got around to checking the electrical and everything checked ok. However I think the battery is toast as it won't take a charge now. Turns out what I thought was a reg/rect combo unit was only a rectifier even though it has regulator rectifier stamped on the side. DOH. Im so used to the permanent magnet on the Kawasaki that I forgot the Honda has an exciter coil which was not powered at all. I have the correct unit ordered now so thing should be back to normal soon.
So I have to apologize to all of you Honda guys for blaming the 550. Don't tell anyone but I kinda like this little 550