After a few dozen hours spread over ~3 months (with a shoulder surgery in the middle) of finding parts, rewiring, and what I'm sure is only the start of a carburetor odyssey, I've finally taken the 500k2 on a ~10 mile loop around town, up and down some hills and along some traffic. Didn't break 40mph but I don't trust the bike fully yet.
Nothing fell off! Didn't stall! No leaked oil!
Some questions for you experts:
1) towards the end of the ride, the oil pressure light started coming on at stops. Indicative of needing a new oil pump? (It's now dark out so I'll check my oil level tomorrow)
2) The throttle is, let's say, not very sensitive. You really need a handful sometimes. Maybe I'm just too used to modern bikes. Is there a throttle tube/housing or other mod that is commonly used to increase the circumference of the pull?
3) The brake lever is a little too stiff: I can only pull it about 1/3 of its range, and the braking power leaves something to be desired. I did a full front brake rebuild with a braided steel line, and it's a stock MC which I believe is a 14mm bore. I'm thinking a 12mm bore would transfer more power to the caliper (longer travel of lever = higher ratio of force). Is this a common change, or is there a good reason to not make this change?
4) I let the bike warm up for a few minutes in my driveway, and adjusted the idle to about 1.2k before leaving, but as the bike really heated up the idle kept creeping up, I had to turn the screw out a couple of times before it would stay. Normal behavior, or indicative of some problem?
Thanks folks,