Today is officially my last day of full time employment. I start part-time (same job) July 1.
When I left the mill, I made it clear that I was leaving because I was tired of working overtime, swing shifts, holidays, etc. The new job was supposed to be Mon-Fri, 7:00 - 3:30. That quickly changed and we became "event support" for a HUGE sports facility next door.
I sucked it up for a while (new department, growing, etc.) until it became very clear that things in the public sector (municipality) move painfully slow. Still, I was "all in" and worked some second shifts, ALL weekends, etc. I had several discussions with supervision reminded them why I left my old job (which was discussed in my hiring interview). Easter weekend did it for me. I put in my notice.
We had some part-time positions open (remember.....painfully slow, that includes filling vacancies), and I mentioned that I would be interested. The bosses boss stopped by and told me they were planning on promoting me to crew lead, with a "significant" pay increase. I told them thanks, but no thanks. My time is way more important. They asked me to stay and I agreed to part time.
Part of me wishes I had taken the promotion and stuck it out, but then I am constantly reminded of the politics, the weekends, etc. BUT... they now have a crew lead position posted. I hope whoever they hire just leaves me alone! LOL
It's a bit bittersweet, as my direct supervisor and I built this department from the ground up. And I have been recognized and told I'm valuable. But the thought of an outsider coming in to tell me what to do....ugh. I'll probably even have to train him/her!
I'll be alright. My money situation is OK. I'll even get a raise by going part time (pension + drawing from investments + P.T. salary). And while they're caught in the middle between department heads, I'll be riding. While they're working weekends and holidays, I'll be hiking with the dog.