I need to get my floats straightened out before I do anything else or I'll just be chasing my tail. I had them set perfectly to 26mm for years. I checked again a few weeks ago, measuring off the side body cutout and it was perfect, but once mounted, the clear hose method showed I was 3-5 mm low across the board, (I started a thread earlier about this). I bent the float tangs to compensate for this discrepancy, and fuel measured 3mm below the carb body. Plug readings got more consistent, but I still had one lean and one sooty plug, though the later, is from cylinder one, that has an oil leak, making it hard to read. I checked levels again via clear tube and they were off. I had to set one float so close to the body, that there is only like 4-5 mm or travel before it bottoms out. (3rd carb)
So I need new float needle valves apparently, but strangely, the levels in the tubes with the carbs installed, are sensitive to the position of the fuel hose and gas tank height. I installed all new (6mm?) gas line, with no kinks. The hose routes down from the petcock, through the manifold hole, to the T-piece of 1-2 carbs and just about straight over to the 2-3 T-piece, like a K5 should. (I'll post pictures when I figure out how to.) I double checked all T-pieces, passages, running wire through the little carb vents and blowing air through them. If I turn on the petcock with dry bowls the tubes fill up within 10 seconds or so. But, carb 2-3 are finicky with tank/hose position. I had to reposition things a few times to get them to fill up completely.