Author Topic: Testing info for CB750K1 regulator rectifier  (Read 1948 times)

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Offline Sidecar5

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Testing info for CB750K1 regulator rectifier
« on: November 01, 2021, 06:51:18 PM »
Howdy, I have searched here and on Google but can't find something that will tell me how to multimetre test OEM regulator/rectifier on a K1 750.
The bike is literally "SMOKIN" after a ride on the weekend as both coils cooked somehow. (2 new aftermarket coils fitted by previous owner about 4 miles ago)
The bike has been modified extensively and has an electronic replacement for the points and had but still has the original regulator/rectifier.

Offline Geoff Hastings

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Re: Testing info for CB750K1 regulator rectifier
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2021, 04:29:18 PM »
I assume it’s the same mechanical regulator used on the later K5, you can pop the lid off these and check for continuity.  The rectifier is solid state and if you put your meter onto the ohms setting, then measure between each set of the leads they should read a high resistance one way and lower when you reverse the meter leads. Don’t get too hung up about the readings, you will find the high readings will be consistently high and the lower readings similarly low. If they all read low in both directions then the rectifier is defunct. It will usually burn out the wire as the battery voltage can go straight to earth and is not protected by the fuse. A combined solid state reg/rectifier can be bought pretty cheap and perform better than the original.