Hello out there! I’m curious if anyone has had an mUnit burn up?
I have a 1972 CB500 that I’m in the final stretch of rebuilding. Working through wiring now and went with an mUnit Basic, Rick’s RR, 8 Cell AntiGravity battery.
I had the bike running 10 days ago, everything seemed great. Went out one night to fire it up and the mUnit arched(?). The lock input burned up! I ordered a new one, went through all wiring and confirmed things were fine. My sensing wire from the RR connects to the key wire and then goes into the lock input. I replaced these connections and confirmed all grounds were good on the bike.
Connected the new mUnit, testing each input/output as I added more. Was able to turn everything on (head/brake lights, turn signals, aux) and called it a night. Unhooked the battery. Came back the next night, connected the battery, tested battery at 13.3V, lights in the mUnit signaled I had connection. I turned the key and it arched again! Burned up the same lock input.
I pulled the mUnit to see if I could test it without everything on the bike. Connected the battery/ground, key, and a light with a switch. Turned the key on and nothing happened for about 5-7 seconds…then the same lock terminal started smoking again.
Any ideas? Could it be an issue with the key? I’m using what I had on the original bike.
I used this wiring diagram from Revival:
https://technicalarticles.revivalcycles.com/hc/en-us/articles/360009106131-m-Unit-Blue-Basic-Universal-Wiring-DiagramThanks for any advice!