Author Topic: Damaged case on a CB 550K- Can I mix and match top and bottom cases?  (Read 1088 times)

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Offline dleisch

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Greetings- I am wondering if OK to mix and match top and bottom cases in CB550K 1978.  I have one complete engine, with a damaged area on the top part of the case (could be repaired, not structural, big chip off the ignition case).  I have an extra set of cases (that are empty no guts inside).  They are both from the 1978 model year, casting numbers are only a few thousand apart.  Would it be OK to just swap out the top case and mate it to the bottom case on the complete engine?  (thus only moving the guts from one top case to the other top case)  These cases look to be interchangeable when from the same model year I would think.  Cheers, Dave. 

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Re: Damaged case on a CB 550K- Can I mix and match top and bottom cases?
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2021, 06:53:35 PM »
You can't on a cb750 so I assume the same for a 550. The reason is the cases are drilled for the crankshaft bearings and you need to have a matching set for allignment. No expert here though.
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Re: Damaged case on a CB 550K- Can I mix and match top and bottom cases?
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2021, 03:39:29 AM »
Cross posting the same question to two different areas of the forum doesn't help anyone... Recommend you ask the moderator to delete this thread...
David- back in the desert SW!