Well, I rummaged through my spare motor. When I tore apart the bottom end I took out the gears and shaft on the transmission. I figured to myself "self, there is no way a washer stood on the spline while you tore the bottom end apart so it's no use looking at it" well I looked at it and on the clutch spline shaft I found this beauty. So now I have the clutch spacer/washer.... Whatever this thing is... Do you think that by putting this on it will solve the issue??? I hope so. I don't want to pull it all apart at the moment because t have new clutch parts coming and it would be stupid to redo this all in another week. But my curious side realty wants to know. Idk how this little gap could really change the clutch. Sorry for the wild goose chase y'all. If I didn't have you guys helping me, I would not have known I may have been missing the washer in the first place .... Btw, if anyone is looking for all the transmission gears and splines, you can take it for nothing. Just pay S&H. I'm not going to use them, there in good condition. Just a thought. I'll post in a week if it worked or not