'75 CB750 has gradually started to squeal and got horrible the other day. I cleaned the caliper and installed a new seal, factory piston has one very small pit that's probably around the seal area. I reused it since I don't have another piston on hand and it's my daily rider. Flushed out old fluid and replaced with new DOT3 synthetic. Light boat of brake grease between the piston and dome spacer, dome spacer and contact area of active pad, and between other half of caliper and contact area of static pad. Also disassembled and cleaned and lubed the pivot, and gapped the static pad it to about .010". I also filed a slightly 45* into the leading edge of each pad, enough to break the sharp edge.
I'm using some odd dual friction pads, this bike always had a little brake noise though it was quieter with the new dual friction pads until they had a few thousand miles on them and now worse than ever before this servicing. I think I last changed them because they were making noise.
Brake feels so much better. Progressive but quickly firms up. Used to be very stiff from the start. Hard but not a good hard type of feel, but it's much better now. It was totally silent for my 15 mile stop and go ride to work this morning, but on a slightly more scenic route home it started making noise when lightly applying the brake. I think it's going to get really loud again.
Could this be the odd pads causing this noise? Should I get a standard organic pad like EBC?
I've had several CB750s and none have ever had the mysterious and elusive plastic washer between the caliper and pad. Does this help reduce noise if present? If so, if there a source to get them?
Interestingly my '71 CB750 rarely makes any brake noise, and nothing loud. I changed those pads last year and used NOS Honda pads. I think before that I had EBC FA12 on it and I don't recall those being noisy either.