Back in August both my wife and I got hit with COVID. Started like any cold, but after like three days I thought I’d never get out of bed. Same with her. Super fatigued, sweats at night, chills off and on and taste was kaput. Around the 9th day into it, I could barely taste the citric acid in the Oj. I knew I was on the mend as taste was returning and strength was slowly returning thanks to forcing myself outside to walk after being cooped up for too long. No testing as the folks we were out with about the same exposure date also came down with it and got tested positive. Nobody really knows how or who. Interestingly, as others have posted, this easily fatigued sensation lingered for at least another month after all other symptoms cleared.
Recent blood work for other physical maladies revealed the antibodies present for COV SARS2 which I suspected would come back positive, and was indicative of a recent COVID infection said the doc.
We’re pretty much back to daily activities as well as some hiking- prior to snow setting in, and all seems normal. We’re both in our mid 60’s.