This generator is a good size. Actually made in the USA, probably +40 years old. A Toronto neighbour had it for his Dad, to run medical equipment in emergencies. He gave up on trying to start it, after his father passed away. Cleaned the carb and tank, runs like a top. A bit loud, but I have a long cord, so it can go outside. During the last Toronto emergency Prospect mentioned, my son ran it for days. Other than a few bolts that shook loose on exhaust and intake manifolds (fixed with decent hardware and loctite) it’s been great. Twice a year, I put fresh fuel in it, and test run for 1/2 hour.
When I built on the mud room and garage a few years ago, I installed a new pony panel just inside the garage (fed off a 60 amp breaker in the house main panel). Basement Freezer, fridge and furnace are on it too. Mounted a twist lock receptical below the panel for my welder. Made up a large cable with male plugs on both ends.....
This morning, after disconnecting the mains and shutting off the electric hot water tank, I fired up the generator and connect it to the pony panel. Every few hours, I turn off one fridge, and turn on another one. Ran the coffee pot too. Certainly not “automatic”, but all works well.
We’re fed off a central transformer, hanging outside my barn. I turn on a yard light, that comes on when power is restored, so I know when to swing it all back. It just popped “ON”, so off to reset all the timers and clocks!