I apologize in advance for the long post. I’ll try to summarize the situation.
1.750 K0 now running
2.Cleaned carbs last year and installed Keyster kits, but have gone back to stock float valves and needles (another story for another day).
3.Jets installed at this time are Keyster 120’s and 40’s (should mention I found 110’s and 40’s, needle clips one notch down on disassembly for cleaning last year)
4.Exhausts are 2,3, & 4 original, unmarked pipes, baffles in and clips in middle position.
5.Exhaust #1 had to be replaced and now has a HM341, baffle in.
6.Plugs are NKG D8EA’s
7.Timing, good
8.Valves adjusted
9.Carbs were sync’d, though they may need tweaking
Since getting it running again, with the Keyster needles installed, my riding has been local, around the Hood so to speak. Rarely getting over 4K, and if so briefly, mostly starting stopping, around blocks, etc. Speed limited to around 35 mph, tops. Not the greatest, but some folks are limited to such local driving so it seemed like I should be able to get it tuned reasonably well, even under these conditions.
On the first day, things seemed fine. Looked at the plugs afterward and they were all pretty sooty, but dry. On the second day I developed a nasty backfire coming from the left side, either #1 or #2. Got back to the garage and the carbon/soot seemed to have accumulated on all electrode surfaces to the point where on at least #1, it was misfiring occasionally resulting in the backfire.
At this point I decided since “rich” seemed to an understatement. I had some reservations about the Keyster needles so I went back to the original needles. At the same time, I dropped the needle one notch (i.e., clip up one notch) on #1, which has the 341 pipe on it.
The next ride seemed better. I should add that once good and warm/hot, the engine idled too high, approx 2K. When I got back to the garage and pulled the plugs, #3 and #4 were very clean. Plugs #1 and #2 were still sooty, but it seemed clear that the faces of both electrodes were keeping pretty clean, but not the rest of the plug like 3 & 4.
Before taking it out today, I returned all the airscrews and idle screws to the spec. positions, one turn out for air, an aligned the “T” on the slide screws. It ran fine, the idle is now too low, so I will adjust that.
If anyone isn’t tired of reading so far, after taking a look at the pics of the plugs removed today, any suggestions or observations would be welcome. I would like to get #1 & #2 looking more like #3/4. However, my main question is, given the riding circumstances described, just how much of it is dependent on the idle circuit vs. the high-speed circuit? I’m thinking I need to tune the idle rather than, at this point do any further adjustment to the needles. Any thoughts? The number one plug in the picture is actually a little sootier than it appears. Thanks in advance.