It was in November of 2020 when this bike came to my attention. It was purchased original owner ( died ) as a part of a Harley collection he had, not that it was a Harley , just that , if Harley went all out this would be the bike of his dreams and it's about as close as one can get without a Harley stamp.( It's close enough to Harley to me too) He went through some hoops to get this machine built too. It comes with a 40th anniversary S and S engine that he really wanted and was only sold to motorcycle he opened a motorcycle shop on paper so that he would qualify for the engine of his choice that would come complete with 2 custom NOS canisters that were carved into the tank one on each side for balance.
Anyways, I picked it up last Thursday and brought it home for a good clean up , service..... It only has 97 miles on the clock and was always stored in a heated room all these years. I suspected that this machine could be a handful for the rider thus 97 miles is the proof. With this TA radial ,wide tire on the rear wheel it is a handful to push around always wants to stand upright....there is no leaning it to turn even with both feet on the ground. Only meant for straight launches.
The first plan of attack is to get this beautiful machine back to purring condition and a good clean and polish since it has been forgotten for 5 years. Then the rear tire gets changed out to a rounded motorcycle tire instead of that wide radial that was probably intended for a Camaro or Firebird, to see if this is a rider or just a looker. This machine in the end, is to be sold, well, that's the plan so far , like I said before ,it's enough like a Harley to me. I will be posting as soon as some progress happens.