The speed limit on phoenix city streets is pretty high. 50mph +/- depending on how many lanes and stoplights there are.
Made no sense to me as an outsider at first. Driving past schools at 40, through shopping centers at 55. Sometimes racing to keep pace at 65 in commerical districts. Arizona speed limits must be optimized to keep cars with tiny radiators from overheating.
Failing to yield in a left turn lane, thats on the driver. Getting plowed into and deciding to dip. Doesn't surprise me one bit. There are people in that city who just don't want to be known. Leaving the scene of an accident is one of the lesser crimes they'd commit in order to stay off the radar.
Then again, I'm only speculating. There are some people who simply don't know what to do in these situations and just don't wanna face reality. The executive part of the brain shuts off and instinct says "loud noises! go hide!"
Either way, it sucks the motor cop broke his legs getting catapulted like that. Motorcycle crash safety remains an oxymoron. But iihs investigates it anyway. Turns out, handlebars have a nasty habit of preventing the rider from exiting the forward section of the vehicle. Thankfully, it wasn't a goldwing. There's a reason those come with airbags now.