Ride #2. While I've always said that putting Ohlins shocks on a CB750 is like putting a Mink coat on a 10 dollar hooker, I could definitely use some better ones on the ol' K0, the Ebay cheapies which are just as awful as the OEM items, but with stiffer springs, and were were overwhelmed on several occasions when I found some really deep potholes (one mid-corner that I wondered might throw me off, but it didn't) so I might have to think about reburbing some old Koni's that I have here, or just ponying up for some new Ikons.
I went to my favourite Bakery/Cafe but it was closed to all but takeout today. I asked why, thinking it had something to do with Covid and laughed when they told me that the table cleaners hadn't showed up for work today. That was OK, I wandered over to a bus stop where 3 other bikers were sitting. I asked if it was OK to sit with them and they welcomed me like a long lost brother. There were 3 guys ranging in ages from the oldest, 64, to the youngest, 25. The 64 year old was really excited about my K0 but the other two were only mildly interested. The 64 year old told me that he had a K2 back in the day.
He'd been away from bikes for the last 20 years, so bought a 2006 Harley 1200 Sportster from a mate who was too ill to continue to ride, 6 months ago. He said, "Hey you know about bikes, tell me what this thing is?" And he pointed to the "pop top" oil tank cap. He said, "What, it's got an oil tank?" and I immediately realised that he'd never checked his oil. Anyway, he was selling it, he wanted to buy a "Big" Harley so he could take his wife on the back. I was gonna ask how big his wife was, but decided against it. Anyway, I showed him a few things on his bike that he had no idea about, so he was happy. I checked his oil and it was fine.
All things considered, I had a great ride, it was a beautiful day, hardly a cloud in the sky, and I didn't see a cop for the whole 130 miles, so I rode like a maniac. I won't say how fast, but I got the absolute worst fuel consumption today. On my last 130 mile ride I had to go on to reserve at the 128 mile mark, today I conked out at 118 miles, as I was coasting down a hill, so I didn't turn the fuel tap to "Reserve", I just coasted down the hill with the engine off, and rolled into a gas station to fill it up. My best ever fuel consumption on the K0 was 63 (Imperial) MPG, todays "Danger Ride" had it down to 38, but that's OK, it was still great fun riding at "Go straight to jail" speeds.

K0 Sunday 9 Jan 2022 4 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr