Thanks for your peaceful tolerance of others and respect of their choices. So many these days are intolerant, hateful, and sometimes outright violent.
When these "vaccines" first came out I was hesitant, of the the "wait and see" mindset as I'm not in the at risk demographic and these injections were rushed. As it turns out the powers that be redefined a word, as they often do, and now the official meaning of "vaccine" is to offer "protection" rather than immunity. It turns out the rushed injections do not prevent one from catching or spreading coronavirus, certainly not the latest variants (even if they may have offered some protection against catching to earlier ones). Heart and cardiovascular issues are more common side effects, and my family has a history of heart issues which also makes me uncomfortable getting these injections for questionable "protection" from something that is a minimal risk to me. Relatively uncommon but debilitating side effects have been observed, one of which is hearing issues such as tinnitus and hyperacusis, both of which I already suffer from. No matter how small the chance of making my T or H worse with these new injections, I will not take that risk. I would rather be dead than be back or the worst of my suffering with these conditions. I will not risk a permanent setback or any setback for questionable "protection" from something I am far less likely to die from than driving to work, let alone riding to work.
No matter, once the government mandates (backed with coercion, force, and ultimately violence) came about, my personal medical condition and risk/reward analysis became irrelevant. Good ideas do not require government force or threats. As soon as government mandated these injections I would never get them even if I felt they were otherwise worthwhile, or at the least I would get them if I were truly at high risk and had no medical concerns about side effects, but would never show my papers. For the past year I've been assuming I will be fired simply for declining to show personal and private medical documents, with no consideration to performance or deliverables. Fundamentally this is not about an injection, "vaccine", or "up to date booster", as I would never disclose such things to my employer for normal work in the country.
I've been selling stuff and throwing out junk, preparing to move from and authoritarian left leaning state to a free state. Even with the supreme court ruling and various rolling back of the tyranny I am not convinced I am safe and am still planning to be fired. I work for a federal contractor (there are far more than you'd think, given how far the FAR and DFAR flow down... think cleaning companies, electricians, plumbers, etc.) and beyond that I'm not convinced the authoritarians will not renew their coercive mandate efforts before winter is over or towards the end of the year at the federal level, or they may try the same thing here at the state level.
So I've been downsizing significantly, stuffing my mattress with cash, and spending far less. It helps that I have more bikes than I need and with rampant inflation and welfare spending prices of old junk are up. I've been preparing to be unemployed and unemployable where I live. I never thought I'd sell my K1 that I've had for 12 years and was the first bike I restored, but even that one is on the table when the time comes. Rather than stay and be forced into poverty, homelessness, and an eventual slow death from starvation and exposure I am preparing to sell off everything and pack what I can into my rusty old pickup and head to a free state for a new start. Not exactly what I envisioned for this point in my life but it's what those who support mandated want, if they can't outright kill me via government force and coercion at least.
I take no issue and feel no ill will toward those who choose to get these injections, it's none of my business and I will not discriminate. I am a live and let live type of person and tend to mind my own business. I take issue with those who want to use government force, violence, against peaceful people who choose not to partake. Those who have created a new class of undesirables who are subject to institutionalized discrimination and segregation (or else, the government force bit).