at the risk of starting an argument with CalJ, i'd like to respectfully respond.
No argument perceived, Algo. You posted something that I see discrepancy in, I cited those questions. You responded (without specifically answering those questions, so that’s fine). Perhaps you know, perhaps you don’t specifics or can’t/won’t provide those details.
I don’t question your medical knowledge, I do always question Drs and medical professionals when they make sweeping generalizations about what people should do. Case in point, my son’s Endo Dr. She constantly sticks her foot in her mouth by parroting “Classic Protocols” and yet when confronted with specific evidence that contradicts that regimen, she’s all too quick to respond with “well, everybody is different…”.
Which is EXACTLY the point many of those who are opposed to a vaccine mandate or would believe that a vaccine is required- EVERYBODY is different. Our unique DNA and genetic disposition, lifestyles, environments provide us with a health guide. It is
in my opinion nearly medical malpractice to dictate that recently developed vaccines and boosters should be mandatory or even heavily encouraged. You make the point yourself regarding treatment of your young children- long term effects are unknown. There’s no data.
I completely appreciate the delta between a young person still developing and an adult in terms of how their immune systems behave. But why should anyone feel entitled to tell me how to treat myself or my children? All the “pro-vaxxers” (I use that distinction as it appears commonly in public discourse) want certain rights to use recreationally illicit drugs, terminate pregnancies, etc, but are all too willing to tell me that I have to adhere to their preference on a vaccine that I neither appear to need, and certainly don’t want. This is the issue, a lack of integrity and consistency in the argument. And the science is all over the place. Every day a new study appears that pokes holes in our last two years. Who/what are people supposed to believe?
Back to the comparison you drew between the 70yo and 30yo. Simply stating that one patient had a vaccine and the other didn’t, and the unvaxxed patient is now terminal as a result is completely misleading and possibly untrue. You provided no medical history of the 30yo, no ethnicity, no social status, no prior medical or lifestyle or work history that may be contributing factors to that person’s illness. And have no empirical evidence that a vaccine may have prevented their condition. You have medical conjecture. You may well be right that at a minimum it
should have lessened their symptoms but that is educated speculation.
I don’t begrudge you, or find offense in anything you’ve said, posted or responded with. This is not an attack on you, or anyone who chooses their own medical treatments. But, you have stepped into a partisan attack (albeit under the auspices of a medical partisanship) with the assertion that this an epidemic of the unvaxxed. That is completely untrue and careless. And it defies your final statement- “whatever you choose, be mindful of others’ [sic] and be kind”. Your post was perceived by me to be very much a partisan attack on those who believe and choose differently. Some of us for health reasons, many for moral reasons, some for religious reasons. So I’d love to see more people practice what they preach about being respectful of other’s medical choices.
Best regards-