First, thanks to those who nominated this bike for BOM. I never expected to win anything with the bike, so the pics I took during the resurrection were mainly to help me put it back together correctly. Because I ride everything I own, I'm more into keeping my bikes bone stock with maybe a few comfort/convenience mods. Also, I'm a lot older than the bike and remember them in the showroom, so keeping it as close as possible to that look is a trip down memory lane for me - as if I still had a working memory.

Click the pics for a bigger view. Click twice for zoom.
I found the bike on CL with a price of $2500. No ignition switch, didn't run and hadn't for years. The owner told me he was moving and if it didn't sell on CL. it'd be at his garage sale the next month. $600 later, I loaded it in my truck and "Honey, look what followed me home!" My wife is a terrible enabler and is responsible for this happening dozens of times over the years - a high class problem

First order of business was to find out why #1 had no compression and others were low - the engine had sat so long that some valves were stuck partially open, but luckily not enough to get bent as the owner attempted to kick it over. So, off comes the top end for inspection/clean/rebuild. The whole top end had been glued together with some type of hard setting Permatex, I suppose to stop up a bunch of leaks. It got all new gaskets, seals and rings. The skirt to cylinder clearance, skirt, and bore measured well within specs in the shop manual, so I lightly decked the block and honed the bores using a Brush Research ball hone (dingleberry hone).
More to come....