Yea, I did have a clue that 6 figures american was a bit opomistic for a 'late model" GP Racer.
But I'm not totally screwed, I hung onto several "Race Developed" Yamaha Twins that will give that feel and noice that I love so much. And a Suzi GT750 Triple. The Yamahas will all three probably make it back on the road and maybe one on the Trak. The 750 Suzi will need too much help to ever race it but #1Son wants it so I kinda traded him an XS650 for it.
As for the V4 Honda.... maybe an early VF1000R is in the "Top Ten" They seem pretty solid but look hard to service. I'm still thinking the 2/Smoker Twins are the ticket as long as they don't BlowUp. I hate it when that happens

The TZ 250/350 are pretty much an industry standard and parts swaping was/is fairly strait forward for a couple decades

The Suzi T/GT500 needs some help in the power/chassis department but is a SOLID motor. I sold my last one but may do a Special someday. The Chassis sucks but they don't BlowUp.
Maybe a T500 motor in an RD frame? Hummmmmmm