That's a GOOD balancing procedure!

I did not check rim with tube before tire.
I had to rotate tire to balance it. First into one direction almost 180*. Not good so I rotated in the other direction until balance found.
Lots of heavy work to make tire to get loose from rim to rotate it.
Next time tube on rim, inflate it so it will sit.
Check balance, mark the lowest point on rim where tire dot will sit. Than check again and hopefully good enough balance.

I had the cush rubbers on the rear wheel. They might affect a little.

Where the red dot landed after some extra tire wrestling.
I have made the valve to sit 90* relatively the rim, deflated totally, wiggled valve, inflated again and OK after that photo that show a leaning valve.
My new Michelins have no balance mark.
I'll balance rim with tube. Mark heaviest point first, spoke weights to balance and see what happen with tire on. Might be possible to check with only one side of tire on and tube in so tire can be rotated and see if that can balance it without weights.
Or if Michelin tire is good from the very beginning, weights needed for wheel and tube.
Another reason to wear my sitting rear, change wheel to this new wheel just fixed, give it plenty of fun rides so I can replace it with Michelin 130/80-18 that has no dot Michelin style! I'll see if rotating it will change.