No, not all XV1000 were chaindriven, it was only the TR1 that had chaindrive.
The Virago and Midnight Special were shaftdriven, as well as all the XV750's.
The TR1 was only made between 81-83 and the chaindriven XV was dropped from production by 1984. It was never a big seller so there's not too many around, and that is why i picked up the other one when i popped up locally at a more than fair price.
This summer will be used to run it to bring out all the bugs that most likely will pop up. The carbs work well but is not jetted yet, runs fairly rich at the top end but it idles smoothly and packs a punch in the low and mid range right now.
The plan is to tear it down this fall and work out the bugs, get the chassis ready för paint and the engine an overhaul.
So, next summer should see a finished product

Dont now why the pics only shows as links on my last post. I'll attach them again in this comment to see if the thumbnails will appear this time.