I got a clutch issue too around 6 years ago.
It was the clutch adjuster screw with inner stuff inside outer clutch cover that caused an issue with no working clutch. Cable was not much used and still OK.
CB750 work really fine to shift up without clutch. Just a quick throttle release and shift.
Gear down need more of throttle release, transmission unloaded just between acceleration and deceleration.
Red lights worse. I was lucky with timing, not much traffic so I could ride slower until green.
When stopped, on neutral, I started on 2nd gear throttle with starter. Warm engine no problem.
The cables are details to keep an eye on.
As the 2 screws holding front sprocket. I saw in time that one was totally missing, the 2nd was close to leave the ship, halfway out.
After that Loctite 222 on those after cleaning threads with acetone.
222 also for front disc nuts, nuts on fork studs holding wheel, rear passenger bolt nuts, 4-1 exhaust rear bolt/nut, rear sprocket nuts.