Managed to sneak out to the garage for a few minutes And have a little update. I've been thinking about the swing arm a bit lately. After I got the bike stripped down a while back, I was testing the swing arm for any play. It had some side to side wiggle. I put a grease gun on it and with a little effort got it to take some. After that, things tightened up and there was no play. Definitely some wear has taken place.
So I went out and removed the swing arm. The bolt and the collar came out pretty easily. Bolt is in great shape, zerks at both ends. Coller has some visible wear and pitting. Other parts I came up with include two metal caps, in which sit a plastic ring. Between this ring and the bushing there was a felt washer on one side. The other one must have bit the dust at some point.
With my digital calipers, I measured best I could. Starting with the bushings which I measured on both horizontal and vertical plane.
Right horizontal - 21.53mm
Right vertical - 21.53 mm
Left horizontal dash 21.55 mm
Left vertical dash 21.48 mm
And the collar. I measured both ends and tried to find the largest and smallest readings.
Large - 21.35 mm
Small-21.32 mm
Large - 21.36 mm
Small - 21.33 mm
It sounds like the collar OD should be 21.392 mm and the bushing ID should be 21.422 mm according to my readings on another thread.
I've included some pictures of the collar ends. One shot of the best looking view, and one shot of the worst looking view on each end.
I guess I could buy some brass bushings and clean up my collar And keep it full of grease. That would close the tolerance some but would by no means be perfect.
Or try to find a new collar. My initial search leads me to believe that that could be tricky. The used ones I saw on eBay looked about like mine or worse.
Just throwing this out there, I'm trying to keep from spending gobs of money on this bike and it's mostly going to be for evening joy rides and shorter excursions. I do, however realize that this is a fairly important component.
Anyone have any thoughts or recommendations?