Sweet stuff is not my thing either. Ice cream when weather is sunny and around 30C.
But a nice lunch is never wrong during a ride.

Not only shrimp sandwiches on the menues.
There are several nice roads that begins in Söderbärke. Heading to Kopparberg passing by fantastic fishing lakes.
Ängelsberg another good place to visit. It has cafe and restaurant with view over a lake and an island, called oil island.
Just beside where a huge forest wildfire burnt down a large area of dense forest 2014. Still great views but new trees growing like weed, birch
They got help from Italy that have special water bombing airplanes.
I often pass that place during my rides. Stop at the cafe there not often.
I hope only one month left!
I prefer at least +15C.
Some inspiration for coming season!

Gula Hästen in Strömsholm.
Not only burgers as my choice.
(100m further behind this place a very popular cafe with tables outdoor, "Markententeriet". When weather is good lots of bikers here.)

Borgåsund 1km after along same road has 2 places.
"Borgåsund fiskaren" to the left and Hamnkafeet less then a km after to the right crossing the railroad.


Hamnkafeets rear side to the lake.

Another nice cafe for a longer ride, 145 km away from me but not that far from Söderbärke is in Torsång beside a wide river, Dalälven. This is located a little south from Borlänge, about 10 minutes.