I found that the new Eaton Aeroquip AE701-10 hose shows dimensions very close to the ones on these old metric hoses, and it has a braided cover of some kind on it. These are not intended for pressure service, and are oil-rated to over 210 degrees. The 'troubles' I have been encountering with the [many expensive] hose samples I have is their steel braids and liners, which when bent to the radii we need, over time will kink the inner hose liner. They are hydraulic hoses, meant for pressure (one is a fuel hose, but no braid, and not very pretty): this new Aeroquip listing has not been available at citizen's-level aerospace retailers before (that I could find). I'm getting 4 feet of it from Aircraft Spruce (for $140!) to try it out. Will keep y'all posted: my intent in buying all those tools was to either rebuild [your] old hoses or try to find a few sets of them so I could maybe set up an exchange 'service' where I can trade an old set for new set, that sort of thing. I don't plan on buying up 50 old sets and have them lying around, I already have MAJOR space problems with multiple engines!
The post-1975 bikes F0/1/2/3 and K7/8 have a different fitting on one end from the K0-K6 versions. This corresponds to the frame change near the right footpeg. The inner hose that makes an "S" bend is the trouble hose re: kinking, while the outboard one is usually the leaker, most often at the tank connector. This makes the braid always wet with oil and drips on the floor at the footpeg.