Did you have any luck with the sender and POR15?
Hey Don! Sorry I haven't been back on the forums till now! My motorcycle was in storage, and I just brought it out a little while ago (Gotta love living in Canada). After looking at the schematics you posted, I was able to pop the rubber cover off and pull the wiring through the hole. Than I was able to turn the fuel sending unit cap off by using an Allen wrench between two of the little "prongs" and turning it counter-clockwise. After that the fuel sending unit came out flawlessly!
When I removed the petcock, I didn't realize there was a screen associated with it, but I was able to use a LONG screw driver to tap the top of the screen just enough so I could use a pair of pliers to pull it out. This would have been bad if I would have treated the tank with that inside! Haha!
As for the POR-15 treatment, I was a little worried at first after reading some of the bad reviews. However, I followed the instructions to a T, and the final results were fantastic! I think the issue people are having with the product, is that they rush through and don't take their time with the treatments/steps. Not only did I leave a heat gun for a few hours after the metal prep was done (Step 2), but I let the tank dry out for a whole day before using the sealer (Step 3).
So, thank you so much for your help Don!! I was able to successfully remove all the gas tank hardware, and successfully seal the inside of the gas tank. After reviewing the end results, I think this tank will be good for the life of the motorcycle!