I sympathize with you as these pesky jetting issues are super frustrating to narrow down.
I would suggest a couple things:
- A compression test is ok but if the results aren't great it won't help narrow down your next steps. I would suggest a leak down test as well. You can make your own tester, or buy them real cheap on amazon. I have a cb750 and did a compression and leak down test on each cylinder. Thankfully the results were all great and very close between cylinders. But I have a XR650 that showed a 30% loss of compression on the tester. I switched to a leak down tester and was able to immediately hear a huge air leak via the intake valves - not what I would have expected! I wouldn't have known that with a compression test alone.
- for carb cleaning, remove the emulsion tube behind the main jet and verify all those little holes are clean. There is also a fuel passage in there I think, depends on your carb though. Get a few cans of carb cleaner and blast all those passages clean till you're out of cleaner, then follow up with compressed air. Check your float height, but also check that the float is actually stopping fuel. If the needle/seat doesn't hold fuel back, it could be flooding that one cylinder at idle and low speeds.
- have you tried snipping your plug wire back 1/4" and attaching the boot again? you might have a weak spark from a bad connection.
- Is the black plug the one lowest to the ground when on the side stand? I wonder if leaking floats are causing that carb to overfill when parked or something. I've had two boxer-engine bikes that did that.
Hope that helps. My cb750 exhibits similar problems from time to time. After highway runs, they are all identical. But around town I always get one plug way richer than the rest. I haven't figured it out yet either...