Author Topic: Scooters?  (Read 2323 times)

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Offline RAFster122s

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Re: Scooters?
« Reply #25 on: March 14, 2022, 09:52:26 PM »
In AZ if the bike is below a certain size you have a restricted motorcycle license to prevent people from testing in a small bike and then getting on their big bike. I would have to look up the enforcement restriction. I think it is 100cc but it might be 200cc. You cannot legally get on the freeway with anything below 150cc if I recall correctly but police officers basically say anything smaller than a 250 shouldn't be in the freeway. That's in the 65 zones through town. Outside town the speed limit is 75mph...I would want at least a modern 400 or bigger.
A modern Fuel Injected 125 can do 60-65 and is enough for around Tucson if you aren't really overweight. But, I would want a 200 or 250cc or bigger maxi-scooter if I were going to be commuting to have the power to point and squirt out of a dangerous spot where you need a sudden burst of power/speed to keep from getting splatted ...if you have time to do that kind of fast avoidance.
David- back in the desert SW!

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Re: Scooters?
« Reply #26 on: March 14, 2022, 10:03:48 PM »
Most people whom have tried to come over on me were apologetic if we stopped at a light as I am quick on the horn with a beep beep beep  to get their attention as I am making an evasive dive for the farthest I can get over in my lane. I won't cross the line if there is a lane beside me to the right or left in an emergency as Tucson drivers are notorious for blasting past 15-20 mph faster setimes and I feel it is safer to get a bump and wreck that pull into the path of a faster car and you never have time to do much more than your preplanned, even checking your mirrors in a roving pattern you still have people using traffic as cover for their speeding and whip into an open lane late so you never see them coming.
So, size matters on a scooter for safety reasons too.
Mileage is good, but for me, safety is a factor. I will trade 5-10mpg for the powered to help me squirt ahead if there is room if braking out of the situation is not a safer choice. Traffic doesn't respect bikers space some times. Worst offender I had was a Mercedes SUV. If I had something in my jacket pocket I could have dropped into his grill or windshield that day he would have deserved it but that likely would have put me in the hospital. I'm seriously going to be putting front and rear dashcams or action cams on my bike just to protect myself if I get have an accident and need to prove they were at fault as everyone lies like a rug anymore.
David- back in the desert SW!

Offline MauiK3

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Re: Scooters?
« Reply #27 on: March 15, 2022, 08:31:55 AM »
I returned to bikes after a long time away. I started with my Ruckus, good move, great little scoot. I also spent a lot of time on YouTube watching Kevin's videos on MC Rider, it's a great channel for motorcycle tips and strategies. He's an instructor in the Dallas area. Really good stuff there.
Then I bought the K3 750 and restored it. It was a bit of a learning curve and I still am very careful with it.
1973 CB 750 K3
10/72 build Z1 Kawasaki

Offline RAFster122s

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Re: Scooters?
« Reply #28 on: March 15, 2022, 09:36:07 AM »
Highly recommend Kevin on MC Rider, wise fellow and great video instruction... Still watching his videos.
Minimum for your daughter is to have taken MSF MC safety course in my opinion...
Helps reduce your insurance in most states and it's free in some states (Ohio is one of those).
David- back in the desert SW!

Online Alan F.

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Re: Scooters?
« Reply #29 on: March 15, 2022, 07:39:25 PM »
I agree. She's talking about cars now so it may not be an issue. Time will tell.