This is for ALL pistons with valve pockets like this.
2 type of pistons in each kit, pockets are milled where valves are.
The larger cut out for IN valve. But they must be installed right, as the picture shows which is how it look like when looking at the cylinder 1,2,3,4 like head but mirrored.
That is obvious when looking at the pistons.
I have early cast RC836 (65mm), modern forged JE890 (67mm), JE970 (70mm) and JE1005cc (71.25mm) where the valve cut out look like this and must be placed in right cylinder.
Each piston match 2 cylinders.
The modern pistons of today seems to have same size and weight so less need to verify which of 2 bores it match best for balance.
Like 1 match 2, 3 match 4 and 1+4 match 2+3 weightwise.
See how chambers look like, valves to get more space into pistons.
3 different 836 pistons
Early cast RC (marked to fit 1,3), later forged RC, cast Action Fours.
The left one must sit in correct cylinder. Kit of 4 has 2 types.
The other, all 4 pistons look the same in a kit, only thing is correct orientation. IN side has larger cut out.
Some pistons have wristpin displaced a little. How it will act at TDC.